
Company Search. 2

People Search. 4

Industry Search. 6

New U.S. Business Search. 8

Advanced Search. 10

Adding Company Criteria. 11

Company Criteria. 11

Location Criteria. 11

Industry Criteria. 12

Size Criteria. 12

Financial Information Criteria. 13

Keywords Criteria. 14

People Criteria. 14

People Criteria, Industry Search. 15

Build Files. 15

My Profile. 16

Change Result View.. 16

My Companies. 16

Field Settings. 16

Residential Search. 17

Demographics. 22

KBR. 24

Reports. 25

Ratios. 30

Profile. 32


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Company Search

Use to look up a specific company or list of companies that match certain criteria

With Company selected, type in a company name or stock ticker symbol in the search field and hit Enter or Search (magnifying glass icon), or choose a company from the dropdown list of results. Choosing one company invokes a report about that company.

Clicking Search results in a report of companies matching your search term. If an inactive company appears in your results, that company will appear in red. The top of the screen is a graphic displaying Sales data for the results set. The table to the left of the graphic offers filtering options related to the graphic. Below the graphic are other company criteria you can change to, for a new graphic and filtering options. Options include Employees Type, Ownership Type, Location and Country.

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You can filter results by one or many criteria using the filter tools to the left of the graphic.


Clicking on the name of a company within the results list brings up a detailed report about that company. You can navigate around within the report using the menus. Reports include financial statements, news links, executive bios with compensation, industry codes, SEC filings, stock price charts and much more.

Reports can be saved or printed using the icons above each report, on the right side of the screen.




The top of the display has fields that allow you to Change Company from here, or to re-access Recent Companies displayed.

Some companies may have multiple options under various menus, such as the various Company Overview displays available for Ford, below.



People Search

Use to look up a specific person from company data

Select People from the home page. Type in a person's name in the search field and hit Enter or Search (magnifying glass icon), or choose a person from the dropdown list of results. Choosing one person invokes a report about that person.

Like in Company search, a People search results list displays filtering options and graphics along with the list of results along the bottom. Use the menu of options below the graphic to change criteria displayed, and the options to the left of the graphic to filter the results.

To display a report about one person from the results list, click the first or last name.

Available data on the person is displayed, along with tools to advance to the next or previous person in the list.


Results from a People or Company search can be exported. Select the Export icon (circled below), specify the file type and hit Export Files.


Industry Search

Use to look up data about specific industries or fields of business

Select Industry from the home page. Type in a SIC or NAICS Code, or a keyword, and hit Enter or Search (magnifying glass icon), or choose an industry from the dropdown list of results. Choosing one industry invokes a list of companies from within that industry field, by standardized industry codes.


A keyword describing the industry may bring up a dropdown of matching industries, from which one can be selected. Typing the numeric codes themselves also invokes a dropdown to select from.




Select an industry from the dropdown list. The results list display works like it does in the Company and People searches. A menu below the graphic offers different filter types. The options to the left of each graphic offer quick filtering tools. Clicking on a company brings up a detail report about the company. Clicking on an SIC code from the results list table invokes First Research.



New U.S. Business Search

Use to find new businesses by geographic area within the United States

Select New U.S. Business from the home page. A map graphic of the U.S. shows by color key and by hover tips which states have higher and lower numbers of new businesses. Selecting a state invokes the list of new businesses within that state.


Or to search by State, City or Zip Code, close the map with the arrow tool next to the circled menu item above, and use the text search field to specify a Zip Code or City, for example. Select the desired result from the supplied dropdown list.


Like the other search types, the results list display allows further filtering of results based on various criteria such as Sales range, Employees Type, Location, State and City. Add to your filter by selecting from the options on the upper left, such as 'Sales $5-<$10 million'. The result count in each set is in parentheses after each criteria bracket, such as the (11) in the row pointed to below.


Clicking a company name from the result list brings up a report of available information on the company. Clicking the SIC code invokes First Research, where further industry research can be done.

From within a single company report, you can often click on icons to display online maps of the company's address and/or demographic data for the company's zip code.

Advanced Search

Use to perform searches with multiple criteria or very specific criteria

Select Advanced Search from the home page.



1- Select Company Criteria, People Criteria or a Saved Search (to access previously created searches).

2- Select from the listed criteria types: Company, Location, Industry, etc.

3- Select from the options listed under Choose Criteria.

4- Follow the screen prompts for that criteria, filling out any form data needed

5- Click Add to Criteria.

Repeat these steps to add more screening criteria to the Advanced Search, if desired.



A list of criteria added is displayed near the bottom of the screen. Criteria can be removed using the X near each.


To save a search for use in future sessions, select Save Search on the lower portion of the screen. You will be prompted to enter a template name and email address/ID.

A results count appears along the bottom of the main display. Continue adding criteria until complete, then click Search to see the resulting list of companies. If an inactive company appears in your results, that company will appear in red. Clear All removes all criteria.

Adding Company Criteria

Company Criteria

Select from the various company criteria types and make your selections on the resulting forms. For example, to screen on Minority Owned companies, choose Minority Owned from the options and check the box for "Find only those companies which are Minority Owned", or choose to exclude companies with that criteria.

Location Criteria

To find companies in a certain geographic area, select from several location type criteria including State, City, County, Metro Area and Zip Code. Follow the prompts to specify your exact constraints. Click Add to Criteria toward the bottom of the screen.

Industry Criteria

SIC, HIC or NAICS codes can be used to screen out companies from specific industries or sectors. In the Choose Criteria section, select SIC, NAICS or HIC Code. A tree structure of the code schema appears. Expand categories as needed by clicking the arrow/triangle next to each, and check boxes for desired industries. Multiple codes/industries can be selected. You can also type in codes directly or browse on keywords instead of using the tree structure tools by selecting the Keyword Search selection below the code types.


Size Criteria

Options in this area include Sales (annual), Employment (number of employees), Annual Sales Growth %, Total Employee Growth % and Plant/Facility Size. Specific numeric ranges and values can be set such as Greater Than, Less Than, Between and Equal To. For example, to screen on companies with annual Sales between $500,000 and $1,000,000, first select Sales, then Between, and enter 500,000 and 1,000,000 in the resulting fields.

Financial Information Criteria

Options for screening in this area include Net Income in $USD Millions, Net Income Growth %, Rankings/Indices and Auditors. Select a type of item then follow the prompts. For example, to screen on Russell 2000 index members, select Rankings/Indices, then select Russell 2000 from the resulting index selection list. Select Add to Criteria to complete this step.

Keywords Criteria

Keywords allows searching on the inclusion or exclusion of specific keywords within the company descriptions.

People Criteria

Select a Criteria type such as Country, State, Job Title, etc. Then specify your constraints for that item below. For example, to screen on Job Function, check off one or many functions from those displayed, and select Add to Criteria. The blue arrows/triangles allow you to expand a heading into subcategories.

People Criteria, Industry Search

To search for people within a specific industry, use this search. Specify an industry code or codes from the options displayed for each type. Expand codes into sub-codes using the blue arrows. Check off industries and select Add to Criteria.














Build Files

To export specific report data for use in other applications use Build Files.

1-      If certain records/companies/people are desired, check the box for each in the first column. To export ALL or a RANGE of records, go to step 2.

2-      Specify Checked, Range or All records.

3-      Select the Build Files icon

The following screens allow you to select exactly which data fields you wish to have included in the output file and what file type you would like the output in.


My Profile

You can maintain a profile in the application to save settings and company lists for future sessions. Select the gold My Profile icon circled below. Enter an email address to identify your profile.

Change Result View allows you to select among various default Summary View layouts, and save the setting for use in future sessions.


My Companies stores lists of companies you've selected to be saved, from viewing the individual company reports.






Field Settings allows you to store up to 10 templates of specific data fields to be used in future Build Files exporting of information.


Residential Search

Use to find address and other contact information on individuals

Select Residential Search from the home page.


Enter at minimum a Last Name and an Address, State or Zip Code, and hit Search People.

From the results list, you can check off specific records to be exported via Build Files, or export all or a specific range using Export. To Print the results on the current page use the printer icon.


Export options include .csv and .xls files.




Use to get Claritas Demographic Reports in PDF on a geographic area of your choice. Demographic data includes statistics on the area's population including age, race, gender, income and more.

Select Demographics from the home page.

Then select the search criteria you wish to use: County, Zip Code or Place / City. Follow the prompts on screen to complete the form, then select Search for Demographics.



Available reports are accessed through links displayed in a box in the lower portion of the screen. Reports from the most recent two years are offered. Select from among the following reports:

Pop-Facts: Demographic Quick Facts Includes historical and projected population and number of households, plus data on race, ethnicity, household size, household income and more.

PRIZM Household Distribution Reports A unique classification of household types

Pop-Facts: Household Quick Facts Households by income range, race, type, size, marital status and other factors

Pop-Facts: Population Quick Facts Population by age, race, ethnicity and gender



Key Business Ratios on the Web

From the Intellect Home page, you can access the KBR or First Research applications. KBR offers in-depth ratio analysis tools by company or industry.

Log in to KBR using your Mergent login.


Navigate using the three main tabs (Reports, Ratios, Profile) and the selections beneath each. Reports > Industry (shown below) allows users to specify industry by SIC code.


With an SIC code entered, the LOB field shows the line of business for that code. The ratios table below represents industry averages for the chosen industry. Hover over any blue "i" button for a quick description/formula of the ratio.



The upper portion of the report is organized by Industry Quartiles and year. For example, below the 2011 data is composed of 14 sample company statements from that industry. The Upper Quartile of companies by Quick Ratio average a Quick Ratio of 6.7 in this industry. The Median for 2011 is 2.8. The Lower Quartile is 1.50. Three years of ratios are displayed.



Group By offers options to change the display to show company data by size (Asset Range) or Region.



The lower portion of the report displays Median Variance information for the individual ratios.


On the Reports tab, the second option after Industry is Company. Use this area to find a specific company. Use known data about the company such as Company Name to fill in one or more of the search fields, then select Search. If the desired company appears in the result display below, check the box and select Submit or Save.



Submit invokes a report on that one company, with any available ratio data. Any report can be printed or exported (CSV or PDF) using the Print or Export buttons at the top right of reports.



Under Reports tab, My Financial, you can fill in your own brief financials to a form and then use that data to do comparative ratio analysis to the industry. Fill in as many fields as possible and select Compare or Save, found on the lower part of the display.



After submitting, fill in the required fields in the next form to Compare Against Industry.



Click Submit to create a report of your company's financials (Subject) as compared to the selected industry medians.



Ratios tab, Industry view provides a customizable report of various ratio types by industry. Fields which can be specified include Industry (by NAIC or SIC code, using the dropdown pick lists for each), Line of Business, Year and Asset Range. Clicking the down arrow to the right of each selection invokes a dropdown list with the options for each. Denote your selections by clicking in the boxes at left, checking each desired option. The Business Performance field allows you to select what type of ratios to be displayed (Solvency, Efficiency or Profitability.) Successive pages can be accessed with the page tool at top and bottom right of the display. Clicking a SIC or NAIC code within the list launches First Research.



To reset all constraints set, select Clear All at the top of the ratios table.


The Search button invokes a tool to search by SIC code, Line of Business or Both. Enter criteria in the field and select Submit.


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In the Ratios tab, Company display, you can use the SIC and NAIC and Line of Business dropdowns to direct the report or use the Search tool to find an individual company. Click Search and enter known values and then Submit to view ratios for that particular company.



The Profile tab allows you to upload and save company data. First, enter your Email ID.



To upload company data from a file, first click on the large down arrow marked 'Click here to download template'. A template in .CSV form will be downloaded to your computer. Open this template in Excel or whichever application you'd like to use to enter the company data.





Sample data is given in the first few rows of the template, for illustration. Enter your own data in the following rows or over the sample data. Delete any unneeded rows with sample data before uploading. Save your file in .CSV format. Then from KBR select Browse to select it, and then Upload to upload it.








Once uploaded, your company list will appear in the My Financial library (see 'My Financials 1' below). From here, you can select the list using the checkbox to the left and Remove or Share your list. To Share to multiple users click Add Email from the email entry form. Enter email IDs and Submit.



Clicking the title My Financials 1 brings you to Reports, My Financial where you can enter further financial data or view the data that was entered via Upload.






If you need further assistance or have any questions, please call our Technical Support Help line at 1-866-551-0617 between 8 AM and 6 PM (Eastern). You can also email us at